The on Sunday evening, Jeannie went into labour. The beloved hussy had only four puppies from her affaire de coeurs (affair of the heart) with Frost. There are 3 girls (2 ticked and 1 solid) and 1 boy (ticked). The solid liver girl is very tiny - only 5 oz and I am unsure that she will make it. She is much less than developed than her siblings who were all more than double her weight. I have some pictures of these guys as well but haven't got them off the camera yet.
I am thinking that given the timing, we will name both litters after Canadian Olympians headed to Calgary this winter. My current favourites for names are Patrick (Chan, figure skater), Tessa (Virtue, another figure skater (ok, I like figure skating)), Maelle (Ricker, snowboarder), Jasey Jay (Anderson, snowboarder), Clara (Hughes, speed skater), Sydney (Crosby, hockey), Hayley (Wickenheiser, hockey), Zina (Kocher, biathlete), Manuel (Osborne-Paradis, alpine skiier), Justin (LAmoureux, snowboarder), and Kelsey (Serwa, freestyle skiier).
For those who may be interested, I believe that all of these puppies already have homes. I will be double checking my list as there may be one or two available at most. If you had contacted me and didn't put down a deposit, you need to contact me soon.
Last but not least, it's picture time. Here are some pictures Grandpa took of Beans (Dundee x Becca) and her mother, Becca.

These are from Newfoundland, where the other Becca (Dundee x Becca) is having a great time with her friend Tippy, the english setter.

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