Becca's puppies came upstairs this past Sunday. They're very cute, fat little bundles. I'm already seeing a few I really like which is always bad news as far as Dad is concerned. Maybe I can find a nice foster home for one of the girls. They're eating softened kibble already and can clean a dish faster than their mother which is saying something.
I'm looking forward to the specialties in Boston. It looks like Charlie is only one of two veterans so his chances are good even if you ignore how great he looks for an old fart. Buffy is really starting to mature so I'm hoping she'll be in the hunt for points as well. Sarah has her heart set on Lucy but I don't think Lucy's mature enough yet to compete for the points so I'm thinking that after this we'll pull Lucy from competition for a bit and concentrate on Buffy. I'm just looking forward to a break. I'm really stressed lately between the music man, my leg and just being overtired so I'm hoping that a few days away will help me kickstart myself back into gear. Besides, I've never been to Boston or Rhode Island before and I love exploring. I'm trying to talk the music man into coming with me but I'm doubting he'll be able to get away from work.

There's a GWP rescue at the local pound. I'm worried about him. Apparently he is not doing well. GWPs and GSPs often don't do great in pounds. They need to be with people and they need to have their exercise needs met. Too little of either one and you can get a hyper animal that loses social skills and withdraws from people, focussing more on toys and romps by his/herself. Klaus is in such a situation. He is not doing well and they have removed him from the adoption floor temporarily. I'm worried he'll become unadoptable if things continue like this. I would love to take him here and find him a home but that means another mouth to feed in the meantime. This would not necessarily bother me so much but I'm not the main billpayer so I do have to respect others opinions on the matter. I just get upset when I can't help them.

I got a great picture of Sonnet from Nancy in Texas the other day. She recently finished her IABC championship. I think she's singled out in her pursuit of her American championship and needs only majors now. I know she's got at least one leg towards her Juniors Hunter title as well. I'm invariably evious of how Nancy accomplishes with her dogs. They all get shown, hunt, obedience, agility. It's very impressive. I'm lazy by comparison lol I'm hoping she'll have her at the Nationals in Florida this year. I'm planning on going and hopefully meeting some of my southern friends as well as seeing the ones I get to see more routinely.

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